Thrasher Pest Control Learning Center

Indianmeal Moths Infest Bulk Bins

Indian Meal Moth

Bulk bins in San Diego grocery stores sometimes harbor pests, including Indianmeal moths. The term “pantry pest” is used to describe a handful of insects that commonly infest foods such as cereal, rice, flour, and spices typically found in your kitchen pantry or the grocery store! Thrasher Pest Control finds that many of these pests are introduced into San Diego homes through already-infested foods. Read on to learn how Thrasher Pest Control recommends protecting your kitchen and food.

Indian Meal Moth

Indianmeal moth

Eliminating a pantry pest infestation in San Diego can be challenging because these insects are small, often stay hidden, and can reproduce quickly. In addition to being a nuisance, Indianmeal moths and other pantry pests can be downright costly. Each year, these insects are responsible for millions of dollars in food losses due to contamination or damage in San Diego and across the country. The number one thing you can do to avoid Indianmeal moths and other pantry pests in your kitchen is to store dry foods properly. Pantry pests are experts at locating and infesting foods. Thrasher Pest Control recommends that you store dried goods in a glass or plastic container that has a tight-fitting lid to keep hungry insects out and to contain any insects if a food source was already contaminated. (Thrasher’s advice applies to dry pet food too!)

Indian Meal Moth in Quinoa

This bulk bin quinoa harbored Indianmeal eggs. The eggs hatched and quickly progressed through all life stages because of the plentiful supply of food. The Thrasher Pest Control customer had wisely stored the grain in a tough container with a tightly fitting lid. The problem was limited, and no other products in the home were infested.

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